Cache App Design
Servicing Campers in Remote Locations
Product Design
Product Research
Timeline: 3 months
Design Role: Design Lead, Product Research, Product Design
Design Team: Michele DuPont (Product Research), Tristan Renteria (Brand Design)
Project Description: Creating an autonomous drone delivery service to deliver neccesary supplies to campers in distant and remote locations.
A couple of years ago, a friend and I went camping in the West Texas desert. We forgot our sunscreen… I was burned to a crisp.
Our car was parked miles away, across countless dunes. In our naivety, we thought we would be fine. Spoiler alert: We were not, I got severely burned, and even after leaving the desert my lips were chapped for 3 weeks. My friend and I basically looked like this:
Due to the isolated nature of campgrounds, there are little to no resources available to campers who might have arrived underprepared for their trip. The nearest store is usually pretty far away, and inventory can be limited.
Creating a platform that utilizes drone delivery to help campers in remote areas with forgotten, broken, or otherwise needed supplies. Partnered with REI to serve as bases of operation as well as serve products people can trust.
Method: Survey
Survey showed that most people camp in groups, at state and national parks, and most do not go very often, leading to groups of inexperienced campers.
of users went camping with other people
of respondents go camping once a year.
of users went camping at state and national parks
Method: KPI's
We quickly wanted to establish our key performance indicators for this kind of service and came up with these three.
Provide quick and easy delivery of a variety of essentials to campers in need.
Give clear directions on how to find the pickup locations.
Provide information on each product. Users may not know what they need to solve the issue they are facing and this will help them feel reassured.
Method: How Might We’s
Ideating our directional solutions.
With research, survey data, and now a personal understanding of the users, I believed it was time to narrow down our thinking and start coming up with solutions.
Method: Empathy
Putting ourselves in the user's shoes.
All good UX projects require empathy for the user, and to do that we have to see life how they do for a while, and understand their environment and how that affects their thinking, I got my team started on developing an empathy map for our users to help us achieve this.
Method: User Journey
Understanding the current user experience.
What were the pain points, opportunities, and how can we meet the user’s where they already are.

Meet the Clumsy Camper
A young adult getting into camping who often forgets important gear or comes to find their gear has broken.

Crafting the user flow.
With all these ideas we needed to plot out how users would navigate all of them and how they would be used in the most intuitive way possible.
Site mapping
To make sure our service's Information architecture made the most sense we crafted a site map to plan where every piece would go. Here is what we came up with.
Wireframing and experiments.
To create these wireframes I referenced a couple of different existing services. This was one of my first UX projects and I found it crucial to stand on the shoulders of giants rather than carve every detail by myself. My main references were E-commerce applications and services that implemented real-time tracking like Uber.
Design decisions and callouts.
Explaining my rational for key design features.

Feature callout
At the top of each product, we have a feature swipe allowing users to quickly learn detailed information about the product without a description. This information is directly gleaned from REI.
Estimated delivery time and protected pin
To allow users a glance at when they're order is going to arrive at the drop-off point we showcase a delivery ETA, and with that the delivery pin the user needs to input to receive their cache. After all, we do not want someone to take another's order.

Cache compass
Campsites can be confusing, to help users who are directionally challenged or simply can't find their package in the dark or however, we added this compass that points to your passage using gyroscopic technology to ensure everyone can easily find their order.
Final Designs
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