OpenInvite App Design

Connecting User Friend Groups in a Disconnected Age

Product Design


Product Research

Timeline: 3 months

Design Role: Design Lead, Product Research, Product Design, UI Design

Design Team: Lottie Brown (Product Research, UI Design), Ryan Wood (Product Design, Product Research)

Project Description: Utilizing calendar data to help friend groups connect with meaningful in-person interactions.


The loneliness epidemic

The United States and it's citizens are lonely, with even the surgeon general stating the country is in a loneliness epidemic. Factors that have led to this epidemic have been the covid-19 pandemic, and the rise of social media that creates a false sense of connection without the emotional aspect.


Young adults are busier than ever, it has become hard to balance responsibilities while maintaining meaningful relationships.

So, what's our goal?

Simplifying planning through a user-friendly calendar, streamlined communication, and activity suggestions is essential to enhance user experiences, foster stronger social connections, and improve the overall meetup planning process.


A service that utilizes synced calendar data to find available times, events, and activities to encourage users to set up friend group hangouts.


Method: Survey

To start our research we started with a survey, targeted towards 18-25 year olds.


of users felt somewhat disconnected from their friends


of users tried to see their friends at least once a week


of users admitted that planning outings was a struggle

Method: Empathy Mapping

We now wanted to better understand the thoughts and emotions our users are feeling.

Method: User Journey

Understanding the current user experience.

What were the pain points, opportunities, and how can we meet the user’s where they already are.

Meet the user

A young adult trying to save money, eat healthy,
and save their food from going bad.

Defining our priorities.

We then wanted to sit down and think our feature ideas and come up with our priorities for this service. We settled on these features

Crafting the user flow.

With all these ideas we needed to plot out how users would navigate all of them and how they would be used in the most intuitive way possible.


We now started our wireframes to tie all of our features and user flow together.

Design callouts and decisions

Briefing my teams design decisions.

Organized and Friendly homepage

For spontaneous users we incorporated a meet now feature that shows which of your friends are free for a quick meetup, whether that's lunch or coffee.

We also showcase events coming up, this allows users to set up hangouts with an event as the starting point.

Expanding social circles

When creating an event the host can set up the hangout as an OpenInvite, this allows those invited to bring more people as guests.

User generated murals

More than just a planner, OpenInvite serves as way to store and create memories. With the implementation of AR we allow users to make 3d murals with text, paintings, and photos that are available to only you and your friends.

Final Designs

Thank You!

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Let’s Connect




Let’s Connect




Let’s Connect


